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Seat Belt Injury Treatment

Redwood city, CA

New Patient Chiropractic Evaluation Only $98

Seat Belt Injury Treatment in Redwood City

At Awender Chiropractic & Massage, we know a simple car accident can lead to complicated health problems. Are you suffering from neck pain? Perhaps you have a collarbone injury. When a person is involved in a car accident, it is common for the force from the accident and the seat belt itself to lead to damage and misalignment of the spinal column. Not only is this painful, but it can create chronic pain and mobility concerns for years to come. That’s why we recommend that anyone who has been in an accident to turn to our chiropractor for help.

Trust Our Redwood City Chiropractor for Car Accident Injuries

Our Redwood City chiropractor is available to help you with any type of pain or discomfort you have after a car accident. If you’ve suffered a car accident injury in Redwood City or the surrounding area, come in for a full examination even if you feel okay.

It is very common for these types of injuries, such as whiplash, neck pain, upper back pain, and collarbone injuries to not be present immediately after an accident. Sometimes, it can take days for them to become painful.

Unfortunately, seat belts can cause pain even if they are saving your life. We can also help with any other spine-related complications that occur after your car accident.


Why Get Chiropractic Care in Redwood City?

When it comes to chiropractic care, Redwood City has access to some of the best professionals in the region at Awender Chiropractic & Massage. After a car accident, we provide our patients with comprehensive exams to determine what type of underlying damage is present. Then, we may recommend the use of chiropractic adjustments. This process realigns the spinal column to ensure each of the vertebrae is properly positioned, reducing the pinching and compression on the nerves. This can significantly reduce the pain you feel.

When it comes to chiropractic adjustment Redwood City patients may wish to contact our offices if they suffer from:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Headaches and migraines after a car accident
  • Collarbone pain or tenderness
  • Limited mobility

When facing a car accident injury in Redwood City, realize this type of pain is unlikely to simply go away on its own. These types of seat belt injuries are very common when you are hit from behind or at a high rate of speed. They can occur to anyone. Don’t assume you are okay. Instead, get pain relief Redwood City chiropractors at our office can provide to you.

Call Our Spanish Chiropractor Redwood City Office Today

If you are looking for a Spanish chiropractor Redwood City patients can trust Awender Chiropractic & Massage. Work closely with our professionals to describe your symptoms so we can offer customized treatment that reduces your pain and improves your mobility. When it comes to pain relief Redwood City residents should start with a call for a consultation with our chiropractor. Contact us at 650-366-1273 for an appointment today.

Chiropractic Evaluation:

New Patients Only    $98

Massage Special: 50 minutes

New Patients Only    $98

Spinal Decompression:

New Patients Only  $98